Sources primaires > "On the Electricity excited by the mere Contact of conducting Substances of différent Kinds."
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I. On the Electricity excited by the mere Contact of conducting Subftances of different Kinds. In a Letter from Mr. ALEXANDER VOLTA, F.R.S. Profeffor of Natural Pilofophy in the Univerfity of Pavia, to the Right Hon. Sir JOSEPH BANKS, Bart. K.B. P.R.S. * Coma in the Milanefe, March 20, 1800. AFTER a long filence, for which I fhall offer no apology, I have the pleafure of communicating to you, and through you to the Royal Society, fome flriking refults I have obtained in purfuing my experiments on electricity excited by the mere mutual contact of different kinds of metal, and even by that of other conductors, alfo different from each other, either liquid or containing tome liquid, to which they are properly indebted for their conducting power. The principal of thefe refults, which comprehends nearly all the reft, is the conftruction of an apparatus having a refemblance in its effects (that is to fay, in the fhock it is capable of making the arms, &c. experience) to the Leyden flafk, or, rather, to an electric battery weakly charged acting inceffantly, which fhould charge itfelf after each explofion; and, in a word, which fhould have an inexhauftible charge, a perpeival action or impulfe on the electric fluid; but which differs from it efrentially both by this continual action, which is peculiar

* Tranflated from the author's paper publifhed in French in the Philofophical 
Tranfactions for 1800, part 2. 
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