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Correspondance d'Ampère, Lettre L946

Présentation de la Correspondance

Faraday, Michael      à      Ampère, André-Marie

M. Ampère, &c &c, à Paris
Royal Institution, 5 avril 1832

My dear Sir

On writing to you at present it is merely to announce that I shall be able to send you a copy of my recent papers on Electricity (1) &c &c in the course of a week provided I find means of conveyance. I thought of writing to you immediately after I had written to M. Hachette some time ago, but the experiments delayed me at first and then I found I could tell you so little in a letter, and that little as in the case of my letter to M. Hachette was so liable from my bad writing perhaps to be misunderstood that I thought it better to wait 'till the paper was printed.
The time between the reading & the printing has been however sadly prolonged in consequence of new regulations at our Royal Society and has far exceeded what I thought would be required.
I hope that when you receive the papers you will think them worth having: I have felt great pleasure in carrying on the investigation and think it is an important step; but no man is well fitted to judge his own works.
I have heard in some way that you have not received a copy of my paper on the arrangements of particles on vibrating surfaces (2) &c &c which I sent to you with several others to MM. Gay-Lussac, Arago, D'Arcet, Berthier, Hachette, Despretz, Sérullas, Becquerel and the Academy of Sciences & Philomatic Society. I sent them by the means of our Assistant Secretary (3) to the Academy of Sciences with the Royal Society Box being assured they would be given to those friends to whom they were addressed.
If you really have not received it, I must send you another copy but I hope you will, when you write me again, tell me how I shall send. I am afraid my other friends have not received their copies.
I am still hard at work on Magnetism &c &c & hope yet to get new results.
I am My dear Sir Your very Obliged &
faithful Servant

M. Faraday

(1) FARADAY, Michael. “Experimental Researches in Electricity. On the Induction of Electric
Currents. On the Evolution of Electricity from Magnetism. On a new Electrical Condition of
Matter. On Arago’s Magnetic Phenomena”, Philosophical Translations of the Royal
, 1832, 122, p. 125-162.
FARADAY, Michael. “The Bakerian Lecture. Experimental Researches in Electricity. – Second
Series. Terrestrial Magneto-electric Induction. Force and Direction of Magneto-electric
Induction generally”, Philosophical Translations of the Royal Society, 1832, 122, p.
(2) FARADAY, Michael. “On a peculiar class of Acoustical Figures; and on certain Forms
assumed by groups of particles upon vibrating elastic Surfaces”, Philosophical
Translations of the Royal Society
, 1831, 121, p. 299-318.
FARADAY, Michael. “Apendix. On the Forms and States assumed by Fluids in contact with
vibrating elastic surfaces”, Philosophical Translations of the Royal Society, 1831,
121, p. 319-340.
(3) James Huston.

Lettre publiée dans Frank A. J. L. James (ed.), The Correspondence of Michael Faraday, London: IEE, vol. 2 (1831-1840), 1993, Letter 563, pp. 32-33
  Source de l'édition électronique de la lettre :
JAMES, Frank A. J. L. (ed.). The Correspondence of Michael Faraday, London: IEE, vol. 2 (1831-1840), 1993, Letter 563, pp. 32-33

  Autre source de la lettre : original manuscrit
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, N.A. Fr. 1304, f.8 [note de Franck JAMES]

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